The new high performance EK15 stick weighs an incredibly light 385 grams*. It is the lightest and most responsive stick in the industry. The EK15 features the new EKORE technology which is a handmade manufacturing process requiring precision and attention to detail second to none. More durable than what can be built by machine, the EKORE technology eliminates any surplus materials and defects which can result in pre-mature breakage.
In order to provide players with the most responsive and vibration free blade in the industry, the EK15 features the second generation of the Vibration Reduction Foam Core (VRF) technology. New high density foam which breaks down much slower than other blades keeps its new feel longer. The low kick point enables the bottom part of the stick to bend and to get the shot off faster and the one-piece spear construction allows for effortless loading and an active response.